It can happen
The Magician seeks to transform the world. They are motivated by their belief that once you understand the basic fundamentals of how things work, these rules can be applied to make their visions a reality. They believe that anything is possible if you have both the knowledge and willingness to try.
This archetype is also called the Alchemist, Catalyst, Charismatic Leader, Engineer, Healer, Innovator, Inventor, Mediator, Medicine Man or Woman, Scientist, Shaman, Transformer, Visionary, or Wizard.
The 12 Brand Archetypes were developed and articulated in "The Hero and The Outlaw" by Margaret Mark and Carol Pearson
The Magician may be a good identity for your brand if:
The product or service is transformative
Its implicit promise is to transform the customer
It appeals to New Age consumers or cultural creatives
It helps to expand or extend consciousness
It is a user-friendly technology
It has a spiritual or psychological component
It is a new and very contemporary product
It is medium to high priced
MARKETING APPROACH | Wearing different hats allows them to understand different perspectives and provide guidance where it is needed
TONE | Amazing, Compelling, Empowering, Exciting, Expansive, Informed, Inspiring, Moving, Mystical, Reassuring, Sophisticated, Spellbinding, Spiritual, Transformative
VALUE PROPOSITION | Affect transformation
CUSTOMER FEAR | Ineffectuality, impotence, powerlessness
GOAL | To understand the fundamental laws of life and use that knowledge to transform the world
STRATEGY | Develop unique and transformational visions and follow through with them
MOTIVATION | Risk & Mastery
CALL | Hunches, extrasensory or synchronistic experiences
CORE DESIRE | Knowledge of the fundamental laws of how the world or universe work
GIFT | Finding win-win outcomes
CHAMPIONS | Achievement, Alchemy, Belief, Discovery, Imagination, Innovation, Knowledge, Mystery, Power, Risk, Transformation, and Vision
SUPER POWERS | A powerful imagination helps them to think of win-win solutions for everyone involved in a situation
SHADOW | Manipulation, sorcery
TRAP | Promising something that may be too outrageous or difficult to accomplish can cause people to see them as manipulative
FEARS | Ignorance and uncertainty in the consequences of their actions, and the possibility that they might have an unanticipated negative outcome
TURN-OFFS | Dishonesty, Doubt, Ignorance, Manipulation, Stagnation, Uncertainty, Unintended Consequences, Unpredictability, and Variability
LEVEL 1 Magical moments and experiences of transformation
LEVEL 2 The experience of flow
LEVEL 3 Miracles, moving from vision to manifestation
Mark, Margaret, Pearson, Carol, (2001). The Hero and the Outlaw: Building Extraordinary Brands Through the Power of Archetypes Hardcover - (Amazon Affiliate Link) pages 13, 18, 140, 142, 144, 146, 159
The authors developed the 12 Brand Archetypes as a tool for marketing in 1995 and explained their methodology and ideas in their seminal book. Some of the content on this page are ideas cited directly to maintain correctness and some have been paraphrased where possible.